Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My Altar

So I wanted to post some pictures of my altar for Samhain. I usually change my altar with the seasons so I put Autumn decorations on it from August to October, Yule decorations from after Samhain to the end of January. Spring decorations from Imbolc to Beltane. And of course, Summer decorations from May back to August.

Some people change their altars much more often to celebrate all esbats while some never change their altar at all because they may believe it messes up the energy they've built up. It all depends on preference. For me, I really admire the changing of the seasons and the Wheel of the Year so I fashion my altar to match it and to me I'm also honoring those changes and embracing them and their gifts.

So this is my little altar. I really love it and I'm about to change it up once again for Yule! I also have a very nice book of shadows but I'll save that for another post.

Blessed be everyone!

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