Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Goddess Devotional and Cleansing
First you will need to get into your meditative state. You will need the elements represented before you: a bowl of salt for Earth, a red candle for fire, a bowl of water, and incense for air. I like to place these in their respected directions around my cauldron which is always placed upon my pentacle.
Take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it around you deosil thrice while saying:
"I stand in the presence of the Goddess.
I cast all negativity into the Earth,
so that I may be cleansed by Her strength."
Place your hand over the flame of the red candle and say:
"I feel the passion of the Goddess,
I cast all negativity into the fires of change,
so that I may be cleansed by Her vitality."
Sprinkle the water around you thrice in a deosil direction while saying:
"I bathe in the heart of the Goddess.
I cast all negativity into the wells of change,
so that I may be cleansed by Her love."
Waft the smoke of the incense over you and say:
"I breathe in the breath of the Goddess.
I cast all negativity into the winds of change,
so that I may be cleansed by Her intuition."
Move your hand over each element and say:
"By Earth, Fire, Water, and Air,
through Her strength, vitality, love, and intuition,
I am cleansed! As I do will, so mote it be!"
What I like to do at the end is take some loose sage and light it within my cauldron and meditate for a few minutes to complete it. This represents the Spirit.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Positive Affirmation Seal
- Parchment paper
- Pen (may be previously enchanted or not)
- Anointing Oil
- Bowl of Salt and Water
- Frankincense incense
- Red candle
- Pentacle
- Cauldron
- Loose Sage and igniting coal
- Sealing wax and seal
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Mistletoe is an herbal generally associated with Yule. It is classified as a parasitic plant that grows on top of existing plants and draws nutrients from its host. These plants are usually harvested in the winter and hung to dry for use later on. Generally, this plant is considered a good luck charm. You can carry it on you for luck or lovers who kiss underneath it are ensured happiness. It is also a symbol of peace.
This herb can be used magically for:
- masculine energy
- attracting love
- protection
- good luck
- forgiveness
- increasing sexual potency
- banishing energy and unwanted spirit
- lowering blood pressure
- general health of the heart and circulatory system
- epilepsy
- rheumatism
- uterine contractions to aid in menstruation and childbirth
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Yule Blessing
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Elements To Creating A Ritual
Generally, I write down Sabbat rituals beforehand and my Esbat rituals are spontaneous since that is a time for creativity. So here is an extremely simplified list of how a typical ritual is laid out.
- Cleansing yourself
- Cleansing the Sacred Space
- Casting the Circle
- Calling the Quarters
- Honoring and calling the deities
- Celebrating the Sabbat or working your ritual magick
- Meditation/grounding your energy
- Thanking your deities and Quarters for helping you
- Opening the Circle
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Using Energies From Esbats and Sabbats
I believe there is energy all around us. The term I like to use for it is Prana which is a sanskrit term for "life force" which is from Hinduism. I remember when I was reading a book about 6 years ago when I first discovered this term and a meditation for it (something I'll probably blog about later) and thinking to myself wow, that makes so much sense! However, I consider this universal energy that can be tapped into at any time. Full Moons and Sabbats have a certain special energy, to me at least.
Full Moons are filled with the divine feminine energy from the Goddess. These are Her nights and I expect most would agree with me on this. The Moon belongs to the Goddess in all her forms and give off immense amounts of psychic and spiritual energy that can be used specifically for divination, candle magick, psychic development, astral projection, and a ton of other stuff. Since most of my training is in the Celtic Witchcraft Tradition, I tend to stick to my rule of when it is appropriate and effective to harness this kind of energy for my rituals and spell. In short, I was taught that with Full Moons you can harness this energy up to 3 days before the Full Moon and up to 3 days after the Full Moon. This is because the energy has almost reached it's peak 3 days prior and the residual energy 3 days after is still strong enough to use as well. The moonlight given off reflects the energy in a way.
This is the general rule in my tradition which I'm sure it varies across the board in other sects and traditions. But, if you ever wondered about it, this is what I go by. Now as for Sabbats, they're a little different.
So Sabbats are basically Wiccan Holy Days. They reflect the Wheel of the Year. What I was taught, was that you can celebrate a Sabbat 3 days prior to that Sabbat but never after. Celebrating a Sabbat after the Sabbat has already passed is basically void. They depict certain astrological occurrences that happen on those days as well as the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It would be like going to watch a meteor shower the day after it happened. You're not going to see anything. Also, to celebrate a Sabbat after it has already occurred disrupts the cycle, You wouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving on Christmas so why would you celebrate the death of the God on Yule when he's being reborn? If you miss a Sabbat it's not the end of the world. Just move on to the next chapter just as life does.
I understand this may be absurd to some people but to me, it's just what I stick to. I understand people have busy lives and may be too tired to do anything on a Sabbat and therefore want to do it later; that's cool, whatever floats your boat. To me, Sabbat days are significant for a reason and I believe that reason to be that that's when the energy has peaked. Anything after it starts to wane so I try my best to harness it when I can.
Friday, December 11, 2015
New Moon Thoughts
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Sex Magick Taboo
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Book Review: Witchcraft: Theory and Practice by Ly de Angeles
I know I haven't posted a book review in quite sometime but that doesn't mean I've stopped reading them! I will update on previously read books later on but this one I just finished tonight. I wanted to go ahead and write about it since it's fresh on my mind.
So I gave into reading this book because everyone seemed to be reading it. In fact, I felt like there was a fad going on with this book for awhile. Usually I don't like reading books that seem to be taking the Pagan community by storm because I feel like they may not be as authentic. However, I feel that the author of this book is extremely intelligent and for the most part I agree with what she says about the Craft. The things that I disagree with are of course personal to my own Craft and are irrelevant to discuss since it has to do with my beliefs which will obviously differ from everyone else.
Ly de Angeles has some incredible and highly valuable information within this book's pages. Some of it I've even recorded (with a few personal tweaks of me own) into my Grimoire. Of course she has meditation techniques, instructions in self-initiation, stuff on Astral projection, and many things on protection, banishings, and helping out your fellow neighbor. All of this information is great...I just wish it was presented more clearly. While reading this book, I felt like it skipped around or jumped rather quickly from topic to topic. There weren't really any set chapters even though she tried. There were a bunch of sub-topics that seemed to have no relation to one's before or after them. I felt disorganized while reading it and dare I say a little anxious. You could clearly see her thought process was a little scattered and unfocused. Some sections or sub-topics I felt were irrelevant and made no solid points.
Much of her information given seemed to be for more advanced Witches instead of first degree initiates. Her intro material seemed rushed which I assumed because she believed her target audience were already veterans at meditation, visualization, and basic ritual and spellcrafting but that's simply not true. This book was being read by first time people in the Craft and de Angeles is already talking about hexes and at least intermediate banishings of entities. I felt like that was a little bit of a leap from the couple of visualization techniques she gave in the first section of her book.
I wouldn't recommend this book to beginners as I don't feel like there's enough information to be of value to them within this book. I would say if you are intermediate or experienced in your Craft this would be a better book selection for you. Also, I saw more practice than theory in this book. In fact, I'm not even sure why the word "theory" is in the title. I thought there would be more background information on Witchcraft thus leading to some sort of thesis but I didn't really see it. Other than that I would say this was an okay book to read but it's not my favorite and certainly nothing to rave about like everyone seems to be doing.
Blessed be, everyone!