Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ideas for Lammas

The sabbat of Lammas or otherwise known as Lughnasadh is upon us. In the Northern Hemisphere, Lammas is typically celebrated on August 1st although I know of some people that tend to start celebrating on July 31st. It is a major Sabbat representing the first Harvest Festival. Some traditions include baking a loaf of wheat bread made from the first wheat of the harvest and making corn husk dolls in the image of a woman.

Lammas is the time to celebrate the Celtic Sun God, Lugh. His rays shine down upon the fields instilling life and strength into our harvest. He lives within the harvest and we take in his essence when we eat of the bread we create with the flour ground from the wheat we've harvested. Ceres and Demeter are also celebrated on this Sabbat as they are Goddesses of the Grain. This Sabbat can be thought of as Thanksgiving.

We thank the Earth for providing the soil and nutrients for the food we eat to give our body sustenance and we revere the sun for providing light for the seed to strive toward from out of the ground. It truly is a Sabbat where all the elements are represented in harmony and the cycle of life is clearly defined.

Some simple things you can do in celebration of this Sabbat is a 20 minute meditation on the cycle of life and the interconnectedness of all things. You may also bake a simple bread that can be used as a ritual sacrifice and offering to the Gods and Goddesses of the Harvest. For a simple and creative bread recipe try this recipe here. For some directions on how to create your own corn husk doll to decorate your alter with, click here.

Remember to stay safe on the Sabbat and have fun!!

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