Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Goddess Devotional and Cleansing

So I could've sworn that I had posted this a long time ago but I can't seem to find it. This is something that I do on my own before my altar. It was inspired by a book I read called The Shamanic Witch by Gail Wood.

First you will need to get into your meditative state. You will need the elements represented before you: a bowl of salt for Earth, a red candle for fire, a bowl of water, and incense for air. I like to place these in their respected directions around my cauldron which is always placed upon my pentacle.

Take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it around you deosil thrice while saying:

"I stand in the presence of the Goddess.
I cast all negativity into the Earth,
so that I may be cleansed by Her strength."

Place your hand over the flame of the red candle and say:

"I feel the passion of the Goddess,
I cast all negativity into the fires of change,
so that I may be cleansed by Her vitality."

Sprinkle the water around you thrice in a deosil direction while saying:

"I bathe in the heart of the Goddess.
I cast all negativity into the wells of change,
so that I may be cleansed by Her love."

Waft the smoke of the incense over you and say:

"I breathe in the breath of the Goddess.
I cast all negativity into the winds of change,
so that I may be cleansed by Her intuition."

Move your hand over each element and say:

"By Earth, Fire, Water, and Air,
through Her strength, vitality, love, and intuition,
I am cleansed! As I do will, so mote it be!"

What I like to do at the end is take some loose sage and light it within my cauldron and meditate for a few minutes to complete it. This represents the Spirit.

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