Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to Cast a Ritual Circle

So what is this Circle that I'm constantly talking about on here? What is it's purpose and why is it used during rituals? Well to answer those questions, a Circle is a space that is made sacred. It is a space that resides in the abstract and separates you from the material world. Technically, it is not even shaped like a circle but like a sphere. It surrounds you from all sides including above and below. It is built from the energy you direct and is to protect us and rid our space of negativity and ill will.

This provides a safe haven for us to perform our rituals within and increase their strength with positive forces. The Circle lies in a plane of its own away from the pressures of everyday life and the physical/material world around us. I like to think that when I enter a Circle or cast one that I am entering a spiritual realm, one that is sacred and good. Almost, the equivalent of what a Christian feels when they enter church. They're upon Holy ground and they recognize that space as Holy.

A Circle is a gateway; it is a door to the microcosm that you create within the macrocosm. The diameter should be laid in multiple of 3's and there should be no more than 13 coven members within a Circle of 9 ft. in diameter.

These are simple steps in creating a sacred Circle for your spells or rituals to protect you and help guide your magick to its final purpose.

When creating a Circle we start in the East and make our way around. When we banish the Circle we end in the East. The East represents the rising sun or morning, the South represents midday, the West represents evening, and the North represents midnight.

We will first start by gathering together the supplies you will need. This will include: a bowl of salt, a bowl of water, incense, and a red candle to represent the four elements. You may want to ring or outline your Circle with stones or tea lites. Also, you will need candles that represent the 4 Guardians or Watchtowers. A green candle for Earth to the East, a red candle for Fire to the South, a blue candle for Water to the West, and a white or yellow candle for Air to the North.

Note: for different traditions, these directions and elements may be switched around so follow whatever your tradition tells you to do. In my tradition (Welsh/Celtic), North is Air, East is Earth, South is Fire, and West is Water.

Once you have gathered these supplies be sure to cleanse them and if you haven't already done so to consecrate them. I have another post on how this is done. You may set the items on your altar. Go ahead and lay the Watchtower candles in their respected directions around your Circle.

First, you will take the bowl of salt and bring it with you to the East. Be sure to always walk deosil (clockwise) around your Circle and when you are within your Circle.

Stand to the East and make your way around the Circle three times outlining your circle in salt. As you do this repeat this saying each time you make a complete circle so you will say it 3 times:

"Creature of Salt, where thou art cast,
no spell or adverse purpose last,
not in complete, accord with me,
as I do will, so mote it be."

Set the bowl of salt upon the altar and pick up the red candle and light it. Start in the East and circle 3 times, each time saying:

"Creature of Fire, this charge I lay,
no evil in thy presence stay,
not in complete, accord with me,
as I do will so mote it be."

Set the candle down upon the altar and pick up the bowl of water. Start in the East and circle 3 times sprinkling water as you go, each time saying:

"Creature of Water, where thou art cast,
no spell or adverse purpose last,
not in complete accord with me,
as I do will, so mote it be."

Set the bowl of water upon the altar and pick up the incense and light it. Start in the East and circle 3 times, each time saying:

"Creature of Air, this charge I lay,
no evil in thy presence stay,
not in complete accord with me,
as I do will, so mote it be."

Set the incense upon your altar. Now you may call upon the Guardians or Watchtowers to assist you and complete your Circle. For this you will use your athame to direct energy. You will start in the East and go to South, West, and North. You may call upon the direction and element to assist you by asking them to bestow their gifts upon the ritual and members or if your tradition has a specific God/Goddess associated with that direction then you may call upon them to help you. Be sure to welcome them.

Once you have completed this for each direction, your Circle has been cast and you are ready to begin your ritual! Now let's talk about opening your Circle which is done once you have completed your ritual and you are ready to leave. To do this you will walk counterclockwise around your Circle starting in the North and ending in the East.

Starting in the North you will release the Guardian you called upon in that direction and thank them for their presence within your Circle. You will do this for each direction until the last one is released in the East. Be sure to thank them for their assistance with your magick as this is very important. How would you feel if you were helping someone and they didn't thank you? You wouldn't feel too good and you wouldn't want to help them again so be sure to say thank you!

Some Sources:
The Way by Rhuddlwn Gawr

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