Friday, February 1, 2013

Majestic Revelation

Majestic Revelation

Fluid as the water, I curve,
meandering to the spirit of the wind.
My eloquent soul aflame within
My beating breast. Droplets clinging
To lustrous skin aglow by heat
Escaping on mysterious air.

Shadows accentuating yearn,
The crests of furious veneration
To the basins of adumbrated expiation.
Vitality rectified into a matrix,
To be absolute in humanity.
Entirety is to eternity.

Manifestation of adoration;
The enchantment of Nature’s inamorata.
Oscillating celestially to the pulse
Of ambiance. Tingling sensations
Traverse the spine, writhing.
From Root to Crown.

Serpentine entity within,
Elevate quintessence of mine.
Embody reverence to my Lady’s exigency.
Exposed before Your divinity,
Benevolence poised with grace.
The Majestic Revelation.

Restitution of luminosity to the womb,
Abate gyrating shapes upon the ground.
For climax now cascades to verisimilitude
From cosmos beyond the colossal divide.
To unearth tranquility through Love’s Palm,
Where my Life may converge with Balance.

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