Sunday, February 10, 2013

Spiritual Awakening Ritual

I performed what I call a "Spiritual Awakening Ritual" for the New Moon. Although the New Moon is technically today, you can perform New Moon and Full Moon rituals up to three days before the actual day and some people say you can do it up to three days after. I will be doing a personal ritual today. The ritual I did yesterday was with my Sister Witch, Cara.

Here's a copy of the Ritual below and can be done solitary as well. I prefer to do Esbat Rituals skyclad but to each their own. The purpose of this ritual is to become comfortable with oneself, to further their dedication in the Craft, to invest in the Spirit and spiritual aspect of Wicca, to obtain confidence, empowerment, and love for thyself and thy Craft.

Also, since I'm a Welsh Witch, we perform attribute Air to the North and Earth to the East which is contradictory to most traditions and published works. If you like to see our reasoning behind this you may go to this article:

The brief reason as to why our elements are switched is to alternate between the masculine and the feminine to produce as much energy as possible. Also, our Circle has a cross within it, the vertical line being male from North to South, and the horizontal being female from East to West. I think we can all agree that Air and Fire are masculine and that Earth and Water are feminine. So my Circles go East:Earth:Feminine, South:Fire:Masculine, West:Water:Feminine, and North:Air:Masculine. As you travel around the Circle, it's all in balance. It's different from what is generally accepted but it makes more sense to me.

Spiritual Awakening Ritual

For this ritual you will need:
Red, Yellow or White, Green, and Blue candles for the 4 Quarters
Black Candle for the Goddess Hecate
Purple Candle to represent the Spirit
Bowl of Water, Red candle, Incense (preferably Frankincense and Myrrh), and Bowl of Salt to represent the elements
Bowl of Herbs for offering to the Goddess (optional)
Tea Lites to ring the Circle (optional)
Corn Cakes
Wine or Grape Juice
Chalice and dish for Cakes and Wine
Athame or Wand
Journal and Pen (optional)

Cast the circle:

Say while sprinkling salt around your circle and circle 3 times:
"Creature of Salt where thou art cast,
no spell or adverse purpose last.
not in complete accord with me,
as I do will, so mote it be."

Say while holding a red candle and circle 3 times:
"Creature of Fire this charge I lay,
no evil in thy presence stay,
Not in complete accord with me,
as I do will, so mote it be."

Say while holding a dish of water and sprinkle; circle 3 times:

"Creature of Water where thou art cast,
no spell or adverse purpose last,
not in complete accord with me,
as I do will, so mote it be."

Say while holding incense and circle 3 times:

"Creature of Air this charge I lay,
no evil in thy presence stay,
not in complete accord with me,
as I do will so mote it be."*

 *These verses are from Dynion Mwyn Rituals. I am a member of Dynion Mwyn*

Call the Quarters:

Stand to the East:

“I call upon the Guardian of the East, who dwells in the Realm of Earth. I beckon to you to come forth from your entombed realm and harmonize our souls to the rhythm of the Earth. Bring to us strength, endurance, and power as we perform our rites. Hail and Welcome. So mote it be.”

Stand to the South:

“I call upon the Guardian of the South, who dwells within the candle flames and basks in the light of the sun. I beckon to you to come forth from your fiery realm and teach our souls the power that you hold. Bring to us confidence, will, and empowerment as we perform our rites. Hail and Welcome. So mote it be.”

Stand to the West:

“I call upon the Guardian of the West, who dwells within the waters of the rivers and the waves of the ocean.  I beckon to you to come forth from your watery realm and wash upon our souls the sensuality you possess. Bring to us Healing, Renewal, and Purity as we perform our rites. Hail and Welcome. So mote it be.”

Stand to the North:

“I call upon the Guardian of the North, who dwells within the Northern Winds. I beckon to you to come forth from your airy realm and rush through our souls the knowledge that you possess. Bring to us Wisdom, Understanding, and Freedom as we perform our rites. Hail and Welcome. So mote it be.”

Stand in center:

“I call upon the spirit that dwells within. Show us our true paths and help us walk them fully and completely.”

Call upon the Goddess:

Have black candle ready to represent Hecate.

“I call upon the Goddess of Night, of the Moon, and of the Craft. Hecate, come to us as we seek your wisdom, your will, your empowerment, and your spirit. We offer to thee this candle so as you may find us and work your Will in harmony with ours. We call upon you to open our spirits and our minds to the ways of the Craft. Help us find our motivation to worship the Gods and Goddesses, the Seasons, and ourselves.”

“We honor you and your deep devoted wisdom to Magick. We respect your Craft. We offer these herbs and this incense in your honor. We dedicate our spirits to the Craft. So mote it be.

Call upon the Old Ones:

“We call upon the Old Ones, the ancients, our teachers, our guides, to aid us in our understanding of our Craft and devoting ourselves to the God and Goddess. We call upon you join us as we perform our rites. So mote it be.”

Scrape off negativity. Lightly move your hands over each other without touching. Imagine taking away the negativity from each other and shake your hands behind you to shake of the negativity you are taking away from yourself.


“I take your negativity away from you. I cleanse you. I purify you. I take away your restraints from your mind, body, and soul. So mote it be.”

Sit, control breathing, and meditate while chanting:

“I am Witch. I am Knowledge. I am Power. I am Love.”

Chant 23 times and end with:

“So mote it be.”

Recite words to describe yourself and words that describe the person you wish to become. Place your hand over each element and recite these words. You may want to write them out beforehand.

This part is for if you want to start a spiritual journal to hold your experiences in the Craft.

Draw a pentagram within your journal. Write name, date, birthday, time, and anything else that seems important.


“This journal holds my life, my secrets, my desires, and my fears. It is magickal and it is blessed. So mote it be.”

Place over each element while reciting this.

Cakes and wine:

Hold the cakes and say:

“Dear God and Goddess, bless these cakes that we take into our bodies. May we never hunger.”

Hold the Wine:

“Dear God and Goddess, bless this wine that we take into our bodies. May we never thirst.”

Thank the God, Goddess, and Old Ones for participating in this ritual with you. Thank the Quarters and dismiss the Circle. Empty the bowl of water, herbs, wine, and cakes upon the ground as a libation to the Earth and food for the animals.

End Ritual

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